Sunday, October 16, 2022

Finally Homeward Bound

Got up early. Met my friend and his wife for breakfast at a fancy hotel in Clare, where I think my father's 3rd wedding reception was held, and my friend's daughter was being trained as a waitress. It was an interesting visit, but I was glad I made the effort to see him. It has been since 2010 that I had seen him, and is never met his wife or kids. 
After breakfast, I worked my way back across the state, where I was able to meet up with my brother-in-law for dinner and a beer at Saugatuck Brewery. It was nice catching up with him. I had hoped to catch his parents too because they typically go to church in the same town as the brewery, but no such luck. I'm glad I stopped by their house the day before. 
Finished with lunch/dinner, I was ready to hit the road for home. It was my hope to make it all the way home, but I made it as far as just inside the Nebraska border before I found a hotel at 1am and slept for about 6 hours before heading the rest of the way home. What a whirlwind tour. One that healed my soul despite not getting to hang with my mom. 


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