I basically stayed right on the boarder of Oklahoma/Kansas/and Arkansas. Since the motel was used mostly by truckers, the place started hopping before the sun came up. The quality of insulation around doors and windows at the Super 8 was so top notch that it sounded like people were coming and going from my very room. So, needless to say, I decided it was time to pack up and getting going. There was a national park nearby that I figured I'd visit, since I was up early.

The gallows where people were hung for their crimes. It's a little weird and interesting to actually see what I've learned about over the years.

Of course I had to visit cemeteries along this trip. There will be a lot more along the way. I traveled back roads a lot of the time, which was good and maybe bad as a solo female!? I was also a yankee traveling in the south.

Hot Springs, AR: rather touristy. Did a quick sweep through the town, walking most of the places. Wasn't able to find lodging in the area, and was a little offput from all the tourists. So, I was glad to move along after my adventures, and head for Tennessee.

Sanitorium? Now a hospital.

Soaking areas and fountains in one of the bath houses I toured. The decoration was pretty neat, but the staff were lack luster.

Before I left Hot Springs, I stopped at the local distillery. It was a half hour before they closed and they were not going to allow me to taste...until they found out I was on my own. Then, I was quick as a rabbit in tasting the various concoctions of whiskey flavors and drinks they had. They were so impressed that they gave me a couple extra tasters. I bought a bottle of very young bourbon and headed on my way. Crossed the mighty Mississippi river, and stayed somewhere I had stayed before...
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