Monday, April 11, 2022

Exploring my way to Friends

Day 2: Flaming Gorge to Salt Lake City, UT

I woke up about 6am, all snuggled in my sleeping bag, in the driver's seat, at the truckstop. It was amazing how well I actually slept, despite the occasional noisy truck departure. I straightened my seat back, slid out of my sleeping bag, started up the car to clear the caught breaths on the inside of the windshield, and headed back to explore Flaming Gorge. 

It was a beautiful drive through the Green River, WY area along I-80. We stopped for gas, thought about the wild horse loop, then decided just to do the loop around Flaming Gorge and head for Salt Lake City. It was a gorgeous drive with lots of ups and downs around the gorge. I passed where I had setup camp and then tore it down; learned I wasn't visible from the road. Smacked my head about being so chicken as it was such a cool site. Drove across the damn at the reservoir and allowed Jasper to check out the water. He wasn't up for swimming, but did enjoy hydrating. Once we got back up to Green River, we grabbed I-80 and hightailed it towards Salt Lake City.

As we drove I-80, the road signs continuously warned of the Winterstorm coming with a start time of 4pm. I kept my eye on the clock, and made a few fun stops like viewpoints, gas, and the Echo Canyon tribute.

It was approaching 2pm, and I was nearing SLC. My friend was going to pick her daughter up from school about 3pm. Looked like I was going to make it in plenty of time for our 3:30pm meeting. That was good because I needed to repack the camp gear I hastily crammed in the car from last night. Little did I know I would be to her place by 2:30pm, and she would be working from home. Got a tour of the place briefly before she went to pick up the kiddo. I was also able to repack the car before the snow fell. 

The dogs got to play. Jasper got to meet the new cat. We celebrated my birthday with local Mexican food and a wonderful cake. 
It was very delicious and buttery. I also was able to claim another companion for my adventure. She will appear later in photos. 

Overall, the 2nd day out was definitely good for the soul and helped put me back on track. Having someone to spend the night with and be reminded that I'm not truly alone allowed me to readjust, refocus, and continue. Only now, it is looking like a greater focus on visiting people might be in order!? 

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