Bright and early, we headed out for Yellowstone. Lots to see and do with little time in which to do it. Also, it would be the first state we would get to cross off for my mom, as we were heading into Montana. 

Fluffy cows were pointed out to my mom, and it was explained to her that she should NOT attempt to pet them. (She is smarter than that, and already knew not to make nice with these guys)
We showed her the little grand canyon at Yellowstone. She's seen the real grand canyon, so this was a lot wetter than what she saw at the real Grand Canyon.
Jasper likes to follow the rules. He's not allowed out of the parking lot at many locations in Yellowstone. So, we took turns staying with him and entertaining him. Many of the walkways in Yellowstone are boardwalks that are relatively narrow and surrounded by geothermal waters. Having 2 stranger dogs meet on those boardwalks would certainly cause someone to fall in and get scalded to death, which wouldn't take long considering the temps of some of the pools.
We made it to the terraces at Mammoth.
Got the chance to see a black bear near a waterfall we stopped at along our route. It was a beautiful way to end our day before heading into West Yellowstone, where we stayed at another KOA in a camp cabin. We decided to spend 2 nights there, and luckily they were able to accommodate us. The cabin, we found, was a lot smaller than the teepee. Still, we made it work.
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