The final day at the VRBO together, and my other college roommate asked about my husband and I taking her son, who is on the spectrum & easily annoyed with how slow his family moves on hikes, on a hike. My husband being more fit than I am, headed out with my roommate's son, while his father and I hung back and "hiked our own hike" I love old cemeteries, so of course I had to explore. It was along the path to the waterfall, which was the destination for the hike. 

My husband and roommate's son made it to the waterfall before me, and waited for me to get there. As soon as I got there, they basically headed back. I followed them back down the trail at my pace, again letting the son feel he was going as fast as he wanted. At one point, I happened to see the son as I was coming up the last long climb before heading downhill to the car. It made me chuckle. My husband said he was slowing down on the way back. I may be slower than my husband on trails, but I am steady.
I forgot how many beautiful spider webs can be found in the lushness of the woods. Sure, many of these I wore when hiking the Appalachian Trail because I was the first one up and out on the trail most days, but they were/are still beautiful.
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