Monday, October 31, 2022

24th Wedding Anniversary

Our wedding anniversary day, and it was back down into Sedona for a vortex hike, some meditation/peace garden time, and checking out Halloween in Sedona. 

                                                                               We walked the medicine wheel, my mother-in-law and I. 

Enjoyed some peace & people watching.
Then headed into Sedona. 
Wandered the shops
Enjoyed the decorations 

                                                                                                          Found some of the costumes a little odd.
And returned to the Airbnb for entertainment from my husband and his mom.


Sunday, October 30, 2022

Now the Adventure Begins

They had sent us video of Jasper being petted and out in the play yard, but he was still crazy excited to get out of the place. As we were trying to drive to Sedona, we had to pull off an exit and allow Jasper to zoom out the energy. He had crawled over the backseat and was being a nuisance to the inlaws. Once he was able to get it out, he rested quietly in the back, but my husband had to sit in the back to make sure he stayed calm. 

Since my husband didn't finish the race, and we were able to get an actual night of sleep, we were able to pick Jasper up early and head to Sedona, the next stage of this adventure. We stopped at visitor centers for information and photo opportunities. Jasper lives posing for the camera, & he was crazy excited to get out and away from the kennel.

On the south side of Sedona, we found a place to hike, which also helped Jasper calm down. It was a pretty walk with lots to see. The walk wasn't crazy long because my father in-law has a bum knee due to injuries from Vietnam. Still it was a good start to exploring the area.

We made our way to the church in Sedona because I love me churches/cathedrals. It was crawling with tourists, but we were able to find a relatively close parking spot for the inlaws. The views were gorgeous.

          Because this is called Travels with Jasp & Kasey, I figured there needs to be more photos of Jasper. 

After a full day, we climbed out of the valley and up to Flagstaff, where once again, my inlaws found an Airbnb that did not disappoint. It was called the Mad Hatters house and was decked out as the mad hatters tea party from Alice in wonderland. It was amazing.

We settled in, played some Euchre, and then headed to bed.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Jundred Miles Through Javelina Country?

The Javelina Jundred runs loops through the desert east of Phienix. It is a big party and happens near Halloween. My husband decided to actually dress in costume for it. He dressed as classic Aquaman with the plan for us to keep him wet through the race. There are prizes for best costumes, best crews, and a few other things. So, we did it up. The aide tent was decked out in sea themes, and my in-laws & I were decked out as mermaids/beach people. It was fun as we were tucked into little tent pods with other crews/runners. There were food trucks and beverages and all kinds of fun. Unfortunately, my husband was unable to finishh the race due to horrible plantar fasciitis. I won't lie it was nice not to have to be awake all night, but this was also his first time ever not finishing a race. It was hard to let him do it, but he knew his limit, and I'm proud for him listening to his body 


Train to Backpacking

 Because we were in a 12 bed mixed dorm room in the hostel, we ended up waking up a little earlier than anticipated. Of course, the nap the ...